Mon: | 8 - 4 |
Tue: | 8 - 4 |
Wed: | 8 - 12 |
Thu: | 8 - 4 |
Fri: | 8 - 4 |
Sat: | 8 - 12 |
Mon: | 8 - 4 |
Tue: | 8 - 4 |
Wed: | 8 - 12 |
Thu: | 8 - 4 |
Fri: | 8 - 4 |
Sat: | Closed |
Wills may be filed at the Clerk and Masters office by customer request.
The Clerk and Master is the ADA coordinator for the courthouse. Contact this office if you need special assistance accessing or visiting the courthouse.
The office is located on the first floor of the courthouse.
The Clerk and Master is appointed by the Chancellor to serve a 6 year term.
C.K. Smith is Chancellor of the 15th Judicial District. Chancellor holds Chancery Court in Jackson County the first full week of April, August and December. Contact this office to be scheduled on the docket.
Chambers are held on the first and third Fridays each month at the Trousdale County (Hartsville) Courthouse
Passport information and requirements:
You may pick up your application at the Clerk and Masters office or visit Travel.State.Gov for downloads and additional information.
Mon: | 8 - 4 |
Tue: | 8 - 4 |
Wed: | 8 - 12 |
Thu: | 8 - 4 |
Fri: | 8 - 4 |
Sat: | Closed |
Mon: | 8 - 4 |
Tue: | 8 - 4 |
Wed: | 8 - 12 |
Thu: | 8 - 4 |
Fri: | 8 - 4 |
Sat: | 8 - 12 |
*The Jackson County Election Commission meets the first Tuesday of every month at 8:30AM in the Election Commission office located @ 238 N. Grundy Quarles Hwy, Suite A in Gainesboro, TN. The meetings are open to the public.*
Key Dates for the 2026 Election Cycle
TUESDAY, MAY 5, 2026
NOTE: The Jackson County Primary must be called by each local party (Republican and Democratic) by August 25, 2025. One or both parties may call for a primary and will indicate what offices will be a part of that primary. If neither
call for a primary then there will be no local primary.
First Day to Pick up a Qualifying Petition for Office: Monday, December 22, 2025
First Day to Request an Absentee Ballot: Wednesday, February 4, 2026
Sheriff Post Certification Deadline: Thursday, February 5, 2026
Road Superintendent Certification Deadline: Thursday, February 5, 2026
Candidate Qualifying Petition Deadline: NOON, Thursday, February 19, 2026
Withdrawal Deadline for Candidates: NOON, Thursday, February 26, 2026
Last Day to Register to Vote: Monday, April 6, 2026
First Day of Early Voting: Wednesday, April 15, 2026
Last Day to Request an Absentee Ballot: Saturday, April 25, 2026
Last Day of Early Voting: Thursday, April 30, 2026
County Mayor
County Commissioners Districts 1-6 (Vote for 3)
County Trustee
Circuit Court Clerk
County Clerk
Register of Deeds
Road Superintendent
School Board Districts 1,4,6
City Mayor
City Alderman
Federal and State Primary
Jackson County General
Thursday, August 6, 2026
First Day to Pick up a Qualifying Petition for Office: Monday, February 2, 2026
First Day to Request an Absentee Ballot: Friday, May 8, 2026
Candidate Qualifying Petition Deadline: NOON, Thursday, April 2, 2026
Withdrawal Deadline for Candidates: NOON, Thursday, April 9, 2026
Last Day to Register to Vote: Tuesday, July 7, 2026
First Day of Early Voting: Friday, July 17, 2026
Last Day to Request an Absentee Ballot: Monday, July 27, 2026
Last Day of Early Voting: Saturday, August 1, 2026
Offices on the Ballot
Federal and State Primary
United States Senate
Tennessee Senate 15th District
United States House of Representatives 6th District
Tennessee House of Representatives 40th District
Republican State Executive Committeeman 15th District
Republican State Executive Committeewoman 15th District
Democratic State Executive Committeeman 15th District
Democratic State Executive Committeewoman 15th District
Jackson County General
County Mayor
County Commissioners Districts 1-6 (Vote for 3)
County Trustee
Circuit Court Clerk
County Clerk
Register of Deeds
Road Superintendent
School Board Districts 1,4,6
City Mayor
City Alderman
Federal and State General
Tuesday, November 3, 2026
First Day to Pick up a Qualifying Petition for Office: Monday, June 22, 2026
First Day to Request an Absentee Ballot: Wednesday, August 5, 2026
Candidate Qualifying Petition Deadline: NOON, Thursday, August 20, 2026
Withdrawal Deadline for Candidates: NOON, Thursday, August 27, 2026
Last Day to Register to Vote: Monday, October 5, 2026
First Day of Early Voting: Wednesday, October 14, 2026
Last Day to Request an Absentee Ballot: Saturday, October 24, 2026
Last Day of Early Voting: Thursday, October 29, 2026
Offices on the Ballot
United States Senate
Tennessee Senate 15th District
United States House of Representatives 6th District
Tennessee House of Representatives 40th District
Drew McMillan
Jackson County Adminstrator of Elections
Jim Pappas | - | R, Chairman |
Larry Jack Williams | - | R, Member |
Judy Hardegree | - | D, Secretary |
Irene Hamilton | - | R, Member |
Barbara Hix | - | D, Member |
The Jackson County Election Commission is responsible for registration of voters, planning and executing elections, assisting with restoration of voting rights, providing candidate petitions, assisting with filing of necessary papers, answering questions, appointing precincts/polling places, appointing poll officials, making decisions with regard to elections, and general maintenance associated with the Election Office.
The Jackson County Election Office is located on the First Floor of the Courthouse. Please see our regular hours on the sidebar and note that special office hours apply during Early Voting periods prior to elections.
Jackson County residents are encouraged to register to vote and cast their vote. Registration can be completed in person at the Jackson County Election Office or by mail, using a form printed from Tennessee Department of State. If assistance is needed, please contact the Jackson County Election Office.
Mon: | 8 - 4 |
Tue: | 8 - 4 |
Wed: | 8 - 12 |
Thu: | 8 - 4 |
Fri: | 8 - 4 |
Sat: | Closed |
General Sessions courts were created by the state legislature in 1960 to replace an antiquated justice of the peace system, and there are courts of general sessions in all 95 Tennessee counties.
The General Sessions judge has the authority to issue search and arrest warrants, and the power to set bonds for persons released from custody pending resolution of their case. The court also conducts preliminary hearings on criminal charges to determine whether the matter should be bound over to the grand jury for indictment. The General Sessions court has jurisdiction to try misdemeanors. However, the court does not empanel juries, so any trial in this court is before the bench.
In terms of civil jurisdiction, the General Sessions court is authorized to try small claims and also has jurisdiction over suits to recover personal property with no limit on dollar value. Because General Sessions courts are not courts of record, appeals from their judgments take the form of trial de novo in the courts of general jurisdiction, such as the Jackson County Circuit Court.
The General Sessions judge also serves as the judge for the Jackson County Juvenile Court.
The Register of Deeds office has records back to 1872. You may access records from this office or online by contacting B.I.S. Business Information Systems at (866) 604-3673 or at Title Searcher
The Register of deeds is responsible for the filing or recording of documents that affect the legal status of real and personal property. With regards to real property, these documents include deeds, deeds of trust (mortgages), assignments, plat, court decrees, leases, liens, release, and many other instruments.
We can email or fax documents at your request for a small fee. Any further information can be obtained by calling our office. 931-268-9012 or 268-6754.
A processing fee is collected on all documents, with the exception of Military Discharges.
Mon: | 8 - 4 |
Tue: | 8 - 4 |
Wed: | 8 - 12 |
Thu: | 8 - 4 |
Fri: | 8 - 4 |
Sat: | 8 - 12 |
Mon: | 8 - 4 |
Tue: | 8 - 4 |
Wed: | 8 - 12 |
Thu: | 8 - 4 |
Fri: | 8 - 4 |
Sat: | 8 - 12 |
For more information regarding a Court Sale, please call (931) 268-9516.
Date: | 06-06-2016 Time: 10:17 Map |
Location: |
Saturday June 18th @ 10:00 am Timber!! 31.29 Acres in 3 tracts
2930 John Garrison Rd, Cookeville, TN, TN 38501
Description: |